
Governance and Accountability

The Safeguarding Partnership is governed by an Executive Leadership Group and is subject to a process of independent scrutiny each year. Annual reports are also published annually to evidence the work of the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children Partnership Board.

Executive Leadership Group

The Executive Leadership Group (ELG) provides strategic governance, leadership, oversight and challenge to both the Safeguarding Children Partnership Board and the Safeguarding Adults Board as there is joint and equal responsibility for the safeguarding of children and adults in Hillingdon.

The ELG meets on a three monthly basis, drives the safeguarding agenda and comprises of the Council Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Nurse of North West London Integrated Care Board and the Metropolitan Police Service Borough Commander. Each partner is subject to internal scrutiny in accordance with their internal governance structures.

Independent Scrutiny

Each year the Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership, comprising the SAB and the Safeguarding Children Partnership, commissions independent scrutiny by a suitable sector expert to review aspects of safeguarding practice in Hillingdon, and to provide critical challenge, appraisal and support future developments. You can find the most recent report below.

Annual Reports

The Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership publishes an annual report in accordance with the statutory requirements, which provides detail on the effectiveness of the Local Safeguarding Arrangements for children and adults, and outlines strategic priorities for the coming year.