

Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership produces webinars to support safeguarding practice with adults and children. Scroll down and click on an image to watch a webinar. To access these webinars you will need a password that has been shared with the safeguarding leads in all partner organisations. Just ask them!

If you have difficulty accessing the webinars please email

Most of the resources are available either on this website or on

Safeguarding Adults from Pressure Ulcers

Adult LADO

Learning from Carol’s Safeguarding Adults Review

Recognising and Managing Fire Risk for Vulnerable Adults


CAMHS and Eating Disorder Service 


Papyrus SPARK – Suicide, Prevention, Awareness, Resources and Knowledge. 


LINK – Children’s and Young Peoples Mental Health 


ICON – I Can Cope Hillingdon Launch 



Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Awareness


Learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews

learning from SARs web


Making Safeguarding Personal

MSP web


Safeguarding Adults who have Mental Health Needs



An Introduction to the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse: understanding the causes, scope, scale and impact


An Introduction to Contextual Safeguarding 


An Introduction to the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)


Child Exploitation: Myth Buster & Back to Basics 


AXIS: Understanding Local Exploitation Trends