To make a referral for early help or social work support for a child in Hillingdon please contact the stronger families hub 01895 556 006
This part of the website is for parents and carers, including anyone with parental responsibility, children’s relatives, friends and neighbours who need information or advice.
Hillingdon Safeguarding Children Partnership works to make sure that the quality of support provided by all organsations who engage with children and their families is high. This includes, but is not limited to, all social care services, all NHS services, police, care and support providers, and schools and colleges. We bring these organisations together to share good practice, professional expertise and also to challenge and develop each other.
We have provided a list of relevant links to services, advice and support for parents. These services may be provided by Hillingdon Safeguarding Children Partnership, or other agencies.
To make a referral for early help or social work support for a child in Hillingdon please contact the stronger families hub 01895 556 006