
Safeguarding Children in Education

Hillingdon Safeguarding Children Partnership is committed to ensuring that children and young people are appropriately safeguarded in their schools and colleges.

Schools, colleges and their staff are an important part of the wider safeguarding system for children because they spend large amounts of their time there. As highlighted in the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education, schools and colleges can effectively identify concerns early, provide help for children, promote children’s welfare, and prevent concerns from escalating. To support education settings with their duties and in accordance with the London Child Protection Procedures, the Local Authority has appointed a Lead Child Protection Officer for Education.

Nicole Diamond
Lead Child Protection Officer – Education

Their responsibilities are to:

  • support schools and colleges to prevent, identify and respond appropriately to child abuse and neglect
  • provide reassurance to the council that all education settings are meeting statutory safeguarding requirements
  • promote best practice when working with children and families.

Hillingdon LEAP provides information and guidance for local schools.

Section 175/157 Education Safeguarding

Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership is required to ensure that all local education providers are fulfilling their statutory safeguarding duties under Section 175 and section 157 of the Education Act 2002.  This assurance is sought annually, by the Education Improvement & Partnership Service. The audit is linked to the key statutory guidance requirements in this area, Keeping Children Safe in Education.